By Jasmine Willis
WAYLAND — Belt In The Eye Inc. and Wayland Area Businesses are hosting a special event on Main Street to bring community awareness to what they have to offer.
Belt In The Eye Inc. has a pizza shop and diner, tobacco store, and floral shop on Main Street.
Tom Marullo, Belt In The Eye Inc. owner said he purchased the parcel of land next to his pizza shop and diner to have for events in the community. These events are on Main Street to include all of the businesses on the street.

“We are trying to revitalize Main Street. We want to bring people back to Wayland. We started a Main Street committee to talk about events on the street. We were told to bring six different events to the area. We had 300 people at our first event. Our second event got rained out, but we are hopeful for our third one,” he said.
The third event being the Sing Off and LipSync Contest. The whole street will be closed down for the event from 3 p.m to 7 p.m. on Sept. 7. Those who wish to sign up for the sing off or lipsync can contact Derek Balinsky at 585-728-2450 by Sept. 4. The DJ coming in for the event needs to have all the songs ready in time, so registration needs to be early.

Non-food related vendors are invited to attend the event as well free of charge. Call ahead to reserve your spot on the street.
The contests are open from ages two-years-old and up, and teams are encouraged. Contestants must register with song choice by Sept. 4. There will be three winners in each category. The six prizes will include money or gift cards. The village board will judge both contests.
“With the empty field next to my restaurant I purchased we were told we can do events there all year long,” Marullo said. “We are thinking ahead for our next events like having a Halloween Party for adults and kids. We will have a bounce house, face painting, and pumpkin painting for that. I think that Wayland really needs stuff like this in the community.”

Shep’s Hardware and Antiques has doubled in business since these events have started, and he is happy to be open more on Main Street.
“Shep can make more on one event we have on Main Street than he makes all year at the store. He is really happy with being open more often again. We have the whole block for our restaurant, tobacco store, and floral shop. We want to bring back what is good about Wayland,” Marullo said.

Come out and support your local businesses on Main Street on Sept. 7 from 3 to 7 p.m. with some contests and vendors. Contact Derek Balinsky at 585-728-2450 to register for contest and vendors.